The Coronavirus is winning the war
14 States & DC are lowering infections; the other 36 states headed for disaster
By James R Smith
The Coronavirus is winning the war in the U.S. and in many other countries. In this country, only 14 states are holding out against a growing infection by the virus. This is only Phase 1 of the virus’ attack on humans. Just when it seemed we might reduce the threat, unhinged politicians decided it was time to pretend the virus was gone and we could resume business, as usual. Their shortsidedness and millions of people who fell for it because they were tired of not shopping, not consuming, not being in crowds, proved to be fertile nests where the virus could produce billions of clones who would swarm out to infect others, often loved ones, while leaving a lifeless corpse behind.
Americans blazé attitude toward their own wellbeing, and that of others, has gotten them banned from Canada and Europe, as well as quite a few third world countries.
If the pandemic ultimately succeeds in killing all of humanity, we will have capitalism to blame. Capitalism, whose undying quest for profits, launches a thousand marketing campaigns designed to pull people out of their homes and into stores where they can surrender all their money for products that will feed their illusions of beauty, power or coolness. In the end, many of them will fall dead before their dreams can be put to the test.
How much of the increase was due to the George Floyd protests? Not much. The District of Columbia, scene of days of militant protests, had the best R number of 0.76, while Nevada and Wyoming, where there weren’t many protests, had the worst R numbers.
Making Money off the Pandemic
Gilead, a pharmaceutical and research corporation, located in Foster City, California, has announced it is charging up to $3,120 for a five-day treatment of covid-19 with Remdesivir, a drug formerly developed to treat Hepatitis C, and later, Ebola. The recycled drug, which supposedly lessens the affects of covid, was claimed by Gilead as an “orphan” drug, which the FDA will allow to be used to treat up to 200,000 patients, which is far less than the number infected with covid. The FDA granted emergency use of the drug which means covid patients are in effect guinea pigs. In addition, federal funding in the amount of $70,000 to $99,000 paid for the development of the use of Remdesivir to treat covid. Now, Gilead wants patients to pay again. Remdesivir is not a vaccine.
Concern Grows as Numbers Increase
Our only hope, at this stage is a strict lock down, no matter how long it takes for a vaccine to be found or for the numbers of viruses to dwindle down to nothing because they can’t find a human host. How likely is it that humanity will have the discipline for the long haul? How is it that the WWII generation was able to suffer years of privation, lack of privacy and decent food, and yet, prevail? Why are their grandchildren and great-grandchildren unable to accomplish a lesser feat lasting not even a year?
One thing we can learn from this threat to our survival is that the days of the United States leading the world, either by example or by threats and intimidation are over. Of all the countries of the world, the US has been the most colossal failure in keeping its population safe, or in lending a hand to other countries in need. More than a quarter of all deaths have been in the United States. Even US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said June 28, “the window is closing to stop coronavirus.” Azar’s comments may reveal cracks in the Trump Administration’s downgrading of the threat of cover-19. Azar went on to say that masks as essential for everyone. Trump has refused to wear one on most occasions.
Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb did call for enforcement of masks in public areas on CBS’ Face the Nation.
The Next Pandemic
Chinese scientists have warned of a new version of swine flu, which could develop into a new pandemic, according to The Guardian newspaper. The new strain, mutated from H1N1 flu and is called G4. It has developed the ability to pass from pigs to humans, and has already infected about 10 percent of the workers in that industry in China, or around 1,000 people. While the virus is “highly infectious” in its transmission from pigs to humans, there is no evidence yet that it can be transferred from human to human.
Here are today’s R numbers:
R numbers show how many people are infected on average by one infected person. Numbers below 1.00 mean the virus is shrinking, while numbers above 1.00 mean the virus is expanding.
The numbers are not good. Only 15 states are reducing the virus. The virus is definitely on the march and threatens to overwhelm the hospital systems in a number of states.
The worst states are: Nevada, 1.56; Wyoming, 1.39; Florida, 1.34; and Idaho, 1.33; and Hawaii, Montana and Oklahoma, all at 1.31. Oklahoma is where President Trump recently help a maskless rally, with no social distancing, that was poorly attended.
The best states are the stateless District of Columbia, 0.76; Connecticut, 0.79; Massachusetts, 0.81; New Jersey, 0.85; and Rhode Island, 0.87.
The Left Coast states aren’t doing so well. Must be the lure of the beach: California, 1.10; Oregon, 1.10; and Washington, 1.11.
The states are listed in alphabetical order. Scores in Red are increasing the virus; scores in Black are reducing it. Today’s numbers are in the right column.
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