
Hi Clay, Thanks for taking the time to respond, and thanks for exposing another white man who is a racist! I'm just sorry that your post aired to much of his racist views.

It is true that I used Nicholas Wade as a source, since he wrote a comprehensive article on the lab break theory of COVID origin, which the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists though was important enough to publish in full.

I don't know what he does in his off time, and I don't care. The important thing, in my opinion, is that the lab escape theory will never be called a conspiracy theory again, and now people know about the insidious "Gain of Function," and "The Global Virome Project," which can result in a much larger pandemic that kills tens of millions.

The emerging evidence also shows that it was not China that caused the pandemic, but the good ole USA. China turned out to be the patsy. They never should have allowed the experiment to take place in China. What was wrong with North Carolina, by the way?

The main "take away" from my article and from the entire operation is not that one of the writers of an article is a racist, but that three million people are dead because of Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci's grand scheme to make more deadly viruses than nature has yet come up with. Oh yes, the other take away is that the Gain of Function experimentation should be banned and Peter and Tony should not be given $1.2 billion to play around with to our detriment.

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There is also this from: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/05/the-wuhan-lab-and-the-gain-of-function-disagreement/

"Experts have suspected the SARS-CoV-2 virus similarly originated in bats. Researchers in China — including at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — have said the virus shares 96% of its genome with a bat virus collected by researchers in 2013 in Yunnan Province, China. (While that’s quite similar, Dr. Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa who studies coronaviruses and a pediatric infectious disease physician, told us it would be “impossible” to take such a virus and make the kind of changes required to turn it into SARS-CoV-2 in a lab. One would need a virus that’s 99.9% similar, and “in theory it might work.”)

An article published in Nature Medicine in March 2020 said that the virus likely originated through “natural selection in an animal host before zoonotic transfer,” or “natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer.” The researchers, who analyzed genomic data, said SARS-CoV-2 “is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.” While they said an accidental laboratory release of the naturally occurring virus can’t be ruled out, they said they “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”"

What you and other lab origin promoters seems to do is conflate the possibility of a naturally occurring virus being released from the lab and an engineered virus being created and then leaked from the lab. Dr. Fauci, wasn't back-tracking, as is claimed by the anti-Fauci crowd, when he stated that the leak of a naturally occurring virus couldn't be ruled out. How could you ever prove that? What the "created & Leaked" proponents have to do is creditably prove that such a virus could be created with today's level of genetic technology. Like stories about sarin created in a kitchen sick, it just doesn't work in the real world.

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"Scientific" racism isn't just what Nicholas Wade "does in his off time," it's what he's best known for. The authority you cite to prove that COVID-19 was engineering in a Wuhan lab has already shown himself willing to pervert the science of genetics to claim “the possibility that human behavior has a genetic basis that varies from one race to another”(184),“trust has a genetic basis”(185),and “national disparities in wealth arise from differences in intelligence”(189).

Although he doesn't actually have a BS degree, he follows an a long line of racist "scientists" willing to corrupt science in the service of white supremacy. Thomas Jefferson was one. He spent many years searching for a biologic basis for white superiority, doing “scientific investigation” and promoting such drivel as Africans “secrete less by the kidnies, & more by glands of the skin...Perhaps too a difference of structure in the pulmonary apparatus.” Nicholas Wade is just modern racist willing to pervert science in the name of racism. It's not without reason that a hundred scientists published a letter in the NY Times saying Wade misrepresented their work.

I wrote more Jefferson, "scientific" racism, and the connection between a racist in the White House, and our horrid pandemic response here: https://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2020/06/costs-of-white-supremacy-in-trumps.html I find it a curious elaboration that the "lab-leak" theory finds a home among those who have also down-played and hindered our national pandemic response, and who also happen to be those promoting a resurgence of white supremacy.

My point is that once your primary source for the genetic science behind your claim has been shown to misrepresent or pervert science for any political reason, including racism, he is impeached as a scientific expert on any question, particularly one as politically charged as the origins of this novel coronavirus.

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Do you know that Wade is something of a "scientific" racist? You should read this before you promote his views further:


Here is an excerpt from Review of A Troublesome Inheritance by Nicholas Wade

"According to Wade, the human species is naturally divisible into a fairly small number of fairly discrete groups, each of which has distinctive innate intellectual and behavioral propensities. And the people who teach otherwise—anthropologists—are deliberately miseducating the public on account of their Marxist and politically correct inclinations.To be sure, that argument has made the rounds. The segregationists used to say it in the early 1960s (Putnam 1961). It resurfaced at the millennium in a book called Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We’re Afraid to Talk about It(Entine 2000), whose author subsequently went to work for the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank. The study of human variation is never just biology; it is, and has always been, biopolitics.

"Lest you think Wade is an exponent of racism or social Darwinism, he is quick to tell you that he isn’t. His book is apolitical, after all. He doesn’t think he is a racist because a racist believes that natural groups of people are universally or transcendently rankable, whereas he only believes they are rankable intellectually. And he doesn’t think he is a social Darwinist because that was an ideologically driven “perversion of science”(16)to be laid at the feet of Herbert Spencer, and he is quite certain that he is not an ideologue. He is simply exploring a few propositions, such as “the possibility that human behavior has a genetic basis that varies from one race to another”(184),“trust has a genetic basis”(185),and “national disparities in wealth arise from differences in intelligence”(189).Eventually he even comes around to “the adaptation of Jews to capitalism”(214)."

"One difficulty for Wade’s racial theory, presented at the end of chapter 4, is that he seems to be oblivious to its origins and antecedents. Wade claims to speak on behalf of Darwinism to legitimize his ideas, like many of the discarded ideologies he discusses early in the book. But when he tells us that there are three great races associated with the continents of the Old World, and intermediate hybrid races at their zones of overlap, he is merely repackaging the pre-Darwinian Biblical myth of Ham, Shem,and Japheth, the sons of Noah, who went forth, became fruitful, and multiplied. The people Wade thinks are the least pure live precisely where the oldest fossil representatives of our species are known—East Africa and West Asia. The idea that the human populations of Lagos, Oslo, and Seoul are primordial and pure is wrong (and creationist); those are simply the farthest, most extreme, and most different from one another."

Here are a few more:

"Almost comically, for all of Wade’s rhetorical interest in races as natural biogeographic categories, somehow the only group that merits their own chapter is . . . the Jews!"

"On page 58, Wade names his adversaries for the first time: “Marxist academics.”On page 68, he goes after Ashley Montagu, attributing his antiracist writings significantly to his Jewish origins. (And for what it’s worth, Montagu fit nobody’s definition of a Marxist.)

Wade relies on other inaccurate invocations of genetics that are even more radical and,more important, political. He cherry-picks the literature and cites work that overstates the isolation and violence of ancient societies. More important, what scholars think were changes in ways of life, Wade thinks were changes in genes and brains that led to changes in ways of life."

More from Wikipedia:


In 2014, Wade released A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, in which he argued that human evolution has been "recent, copious, and regional" and that genes may have influenced a variety of behaviours that underpin differing forms of human society. The book was criticised in the New York Times Book Review of Sunday 13 July; David Dobbs wrote that it was "a deeply flawed, deceptive, and dangerous book" with "pernicious conceits". Libertarian political scientist Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, praised it as scientifically valid, and predicted that opposition would be "fanatical" due to political correctness.[13]

Over a hundred geneticists and biologists categorically dismissed Wade's view of race in a joint letter published in The New York Times on 8 August 2014:

Wade juxtaposes an incomplete and inaccurate account of our research on human genetic differences with speculation that recent natural selection has led to worldwide differences in Intelligence quotient (IQ) test results, political institutions and economic development. We reject Wade's implication that our findings substantiate his guesswork.[14]

I guess no one should be surprised that those seeking to blame COVID-19 on the Chinese are also white-supremacists. That certainly is the case with Trump and the Fox News crowd.

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